
Make sure to read the following before downloading any material:
Instructions and background

The Long EZ Plans:
Section I: Manufacturing manual
Appendix: Full-size drawings A1 - A14
Landing brake flap

Canard Pusher Newsletters:
Actual CPs in PDF format
CPs in TXT format (no pictures)
CP summary by chapter XLS format

Roncz canard mod:
Roncz canard plans
Roncz canard template

Extended round nose mod:
All dimensions indicated in the drawings are in inches - use them to make sure you have the correct scale printed. I didn't include a drawing of the F-7.75 bulkhead since it is a perfect circle with a 8.25" diameter.
NG30 extended
F1-3 bulkhead
Mini NG30s (BC1)

Rudder mod:
High performance rudder mod
Internal belhorn

Rollover structure mod:
I decided to use a metal rollover structure instead - but still posting these plans for booking.
Rollover plans

Miscellaneous items:
BOM (bill of materials) ::needs updating::
POH (pilot operating handbook)