Here are my helpers helping me cut the fiberglass... UNI at 30 deg bias...
We sanded the leading edge for a nice transition...
We then used 5-min epoxy to bond the elevators flat on the table.. bottom side up.
Slurried the foam surfaces... I should note that we added more grease in the inserts just in case any slurry or epoxy ran inside...
Painted plain epoxy on the torque tube...
And then laid up the two UNI plies (+/- 30 deg bias)...
I then scissor trimmed the leading edge...
And used a paint brush to bring the layup back onto the torque tube...
And let cure...
The next day, I popped the elevators loose.. the 5-min epoxy caused a few craters that needed repair...
I used the template to mark the trailing edge...
And trimmed everything up...
I used X30 liquid foam to repair the craters...
Making sure I had the correct amount of trailing edge glass-to-glass...
I needed to remove some foam from the trailing edge...
Dremel and a sanding wheel did the job!
Now to smooth out those blobs!

Prepping for the top skin layup, I used 5-min epoxy to bond the elevator to the table. Notice I left an overhang so that I would be able to overlap the top skin onto the bottom skin...
Making sure it was 100% flat! Also, notice the cling wrap under the elevator aft of the trailing edge...
Slurry on the foam... and plain epoxy on the trailing edge for a glass-to-glass bond...
Also plain epoxy on the torque tube and bottom skin where it will overlap...
Two plies, +/-30 deg bias...
I then cut the leading edge to length and used a brush to tuck it underneath.. and peel plied it..
Let cure...
And trimmed everything up...
Ta-daaaa!! Elevators are complete!! Ready to be installed onto the canard!
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