So to make sure this wouldn't happen, I stuck two pieces of 2x4 in between the NG30 panels (shimmed them for a nice tight fit) and tightened everything up with clamps. This allowed me to remove the NG6 pivot casting while maintaining the correct space between the two NG30 panels.
NG6 pivot casting removed... NG30 panels maintaining the appropriate spacing.
I then removed the NG8 disks (they needed to be alodined anyway)...
I made sure all mating surfaced were sanded completely dull for a nice glass-to-glass bond...
I also sanded the F1-3 surface dull and marked out the edges of the NG30 panels....
I then test fitted the F1-3 bulkhead
I used the lines as a guide to make sure everything was level.
After making sure everything was aligned, I drilled small holes at the very bottom and inserted two nails - this way everything will self align when I flox it together.
With everything aligned, it was time to mix up some flox and bond F1-3 to the NG30 forks. Notice how I painted plain epoxy to all the surfaces that were about to mate with BID tape...
I also painted plain epoxy to the F1-3 surfaces... notice the nails sticking out at the bottom...
I aligned the nails to the holes at the bottom of NG30 forks and pressed F1-3 into place...
I left the excess flox in place to provide a nice fillet...
I then prepregged the BID strips...
And installed the inner corners first...
Then the outside corners...
I squeezed out any air bubbles...
I applied a clamp at the top. Notice I used a 2x4 wrapped in wax paper to prevent it from getting stuck to the forks...
After cure, I trimmed the BID tapes and sanded everything smooth...
And that's how I installed my F1-3 nose bulkhead!
Looking really good. In your CAD model what is the frontal area (area if you were just looking at the fuselage head on) of the airplane minus the wings? Just curious.
Thanks Bart!
I took a slice at F.S. 77 (at about where the canopy peaks)... my model shows a cross-sectional area of about 5.41 sq. ft. (including canopy).
Fascinating. . .makes me want to build instead of buy!
Makes me want to build instead of buy!
Thanks Sundog! I think everyone struggles with the build or buy debate. If you have any questions about the build process, feel free to contact me - I'll be happy to help and answer any questions.
You make it look so easy Ary!
Well, I was taught by the best... some guy named Marco with a crazy Italian accent..
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