Here I am setting up for my very first layup! I have my digital scale in place, calculator to figure out the correct ratio of resin to hardener. I also precut the fiberglass cloth.
This was the first layer. Notice the wax paper underneath to prevent the resin from sticking to my table.
Here is a picture after a few layers.
A close up of the last layer.
Here is the cured rectangle. Notice the edges are all messy. This happens as you 'wet out' the resin towards the outside.
After a full cure, I drew the rectangle as indicated in the plans and cut it using my band saw. The band saw is perfect for cutting straight clean cuts. It went through the cured 6-layer fiberglass like butter!
Here is the finished rectangle! After weighing it using my digital scale, it came in at 10.1 oz. I didn't see any air bubbles, so I can't explain why it is so light. Perhaps they improved the weight properties of resin over the years? In any case, it is not that far off from the 10.5 oz lower limit so I'm happy with it!